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general of the army中文是什么意思

用"general of the army"造句"general of the army"怎么读"general of the army" in a sentence


  • 五星上将


  • In china , general refers to general of the army or the air force
  • In the united states , there has never been marshal rank at all , but they have general of the army , general of the air force and fleet admiral
  • The u . s . congress passes legislation authorizing the rank of general of the army ( now called " 5 - star general " ) . lieutenant general ulysses s . grant becomes the first to have this rank
    1866年的今天,美国国会通过了一项批准设陆军上将军衔的立法(现在被叫作“五星上将” ) 。陆军中将尤利西斯?修?格兰特成为首位被授予此军衔的人。
用"general of the army"造句  


General of the Army (GA) is a military rank used (primarily used in the United States of America) to denote a senior military leader, usually a general in command of a nation's army. It may also be the title given to a general who commands an army in the field.
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